Bogdan Fiedur and Adlandpro offers their classifieds technology to the public
Bogdan Fiedur and Adlandpro offers their classifieds technology to the public
Did you know that free classifieds are excelent way of bring traffic to your site
for free?
Do you have one? If your answer is no, this is not a problem. Bogdan Fiedur
and Adlandpro make it now possible for you to have such site totally free.
Click here to singup,
Did you know that free classifieds are excelent way of bring traffic to your site
for free?
Do you have one? If your answer is no, this is not a problem. Bogdan Fiedur
and Adlandpro make it now possible for you to have such site totally free.
Click here to singup,
if you are still not convinced, keep reading.
You can have your own classified site now and you can set it up within
The new classified system is a result of 12 years of experience in Classified Advertising
and serving more than 40,000 paying customers.
And this is not all. If you decide to dedicate your own full domain or
subdomain of your existing business and are interested in earning
up to 100% commission from selling premium ads to your own customers,
Bogdan has also low fee solution for you. Just selling 2 full classified
promotion per month can pay you your monthly fee for most advenced
and customizable classified site.
You can grow your business by attrackting traffic to your site
and earn up to 100% commissions from selling premium advertising
on your classified site.
You don't have to do anything except for making sure that people
can find your classified site.
Bogdan Fiedur and his staff will do all the work.
They will answer questions of your customers by providing them
with email and telephone contact. They will process payments
for you and they will host for you entire site with ads and
continually add improvments to it without any additional cost to you.
You even will have option to advertise your own banners using
Google adwords and give premium ads for free to your customers
if you decide that this is what you want.
Click here to signup
Here below you will find list of all the interesting features.
Check it out,
Pressmania Branded Classifieds is your own out of the box business
that allows you to:
that allows you to:
- Earn Revenues: 100% Commission for the ads you sell on your site as well as Google AdSense
revenue. - Integrates easily into your site. (We can set it up for you as your domain e.g. www.yourname.com
or subdomain of your existing website e.g. classifieds.yourdomain.com.) - Build your lists and be able to broadcast to the lists. (You will be provided with utility, normally available
to paid members which will allow you to send your messages to various sets of users including all
members of the entire Pressmania website) - You control the pricing and you set the ad rates.
- Promotional, you can place your own ads or offer them to your own customers for free or at
a discounted rate. - Free customer support provided by Pressmania staff is included, so that you don’t have to.
- Free premium ads for yourself and for customers you choose.
- Free stores with enabled PayPal selling modules for your customers draw in more traffic.
- Your logo and several colors templates to choose from allow you to personalize your brand.
- Increased traffic to your website if you host it as a subdomain of your existing business or full domain.
Your Alexa rating will go up, by just having classifieds in addition to your existing domain. - Easy integration with Google analytics allowing you real time statistics provided by Google.
- If you ever decide to downgrade, you still will be treated as our affiliate and be eligible to earn
commissions up to 30%. - Multilingual. The system was built from the ground up to accept various languages, and
already operates in two languages. Further languages will be added as the product grows. - There are features which will be made available in the future, such as choosing only certain
categories of ads to display to your audiences and more colors and templates for the site look. - Your brand is prefilled with ads which come from the core Pressmania database, so it looks
like a well established business from the start and entices customers to use it.
Click here to join for free.
Rvslakshmi Veenam

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